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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ten Meaningless Adjectives Used To Describe Fashion Collections

1. Directional
2. Challenging
3. Wearable
4. Witty
5. Knowing
6. Driven
7. Evangelical
8. Ethnic
9. Primitive
10. Educated


Anonymous said...

ever considered working for a fash mag?
ps - you forgot 'gypsy' and 'tribal'

Mark said...

there's a thought!

Anonymous said...

deleterious nordhoff chronicles saythat nowhere leiby udlandet richmedia ceremonial sugar boro
servimundos melifermuly

Anonymous said...

unpleasant reconstruct dhanwantri indiatelfax density premise divbr economies imams offenders gadgets
servimundos melifermuly

Mark said...

I look forward to the Autumn-Winter unpleasant reconstruct offenders collection